Dr. Raghuveer's Pharma Consultants Offers total solutions in Pharmaceutical Quality Control. We provide consultancy to various pharma companies regarding planning and setting up of a pharma unit of International Standard.The firm advices on the requirements of WHO GMP to various pharma firms.

The firm undertakes the preparation of DMFs and Registration Dossiers for submission to regulatory authorities of various countries.

Our Key consulting areas Include

  • Providing Consultancy Services and support for Quality Control & Quality Assurance of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.
  • Training, support and Consultancy on CGMP USFDA, and UK MCA requirements to Pharmaceutical Industries Worldwide.
  • Undertake the Preparation of Drug Master Files and registration Dossiers for various formulations.
  • Consultancy to various pharmaceutical companies in India regarding planning, execution of setting up of analytical laboratories conforming to International Standards.

Registration Documents and DMF's can be prepared for any product, the client is interested in. Depending on the country of registration, the registration Dossier requires approximately 30-60 days provided all the relevant info is given by the client.


  • Registration Dossier is a document comprising of all the relevant technical data of a pharmaceutical formulation to be registered in a country where the product is being exported. This is a mandatory requirement of the importing country with detailed guidelines.



  • A drug master File is a technical document comprising of all relevant technical data on active Pharmaceutical ingredient. The Document has to be registered with the relevant drug authorities of the importing country.




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