Who Are We ?

Dr.Raghuveer's Pharma Consultants is the brain child of Dr.Raghuveer, a very senior executive in the Pharmaceutical Industry.


  • Services offered in the preparation of Drug Master Files, Registration Dossiers, SOP's analytical Method Development and Validations.
  • More than 200 dossiers prepared till date.
  • Dossiers prepared for various nations in Europe, Asia & Africa.
  • Therapeutic categories include Anti Hypertension,Anti Ulcerative,Anti histamine,Anti bacterial,Antibiotic and others.
  • Drug Master Files were submitted for more than 100 products to various countries like USA,Canada,UK, EEc countries,Latin America and Australia.
  • Numerous Expert reports (QOS) were written for many products as part of CTD submissions in Europe.


 Online Quote Request !

Now you can request a quote online right here!

An Expert will respond to your Quote request, However it doesn't mean you have to make business with us as a fixed contract. But what we believe is our response will not let you down!

Your request will not be disclosed to any public entity without your consultation making sure your information is safe.!


  • Promising Quality!
  • Immediate Response!
  • Time Saving!
  • Easily Accessible!
  • Research Oriented!
  • Tips & Suggestions!
  • Betterment of Ideas
  • Targeting Satisfaction
  • And many more Advantages

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